Monday, May 4, 2009


One of the many ways in Mandarin to refer to human excrements. Also can be called 'fen pian' in a more polite way, or 'si' (which has the same pronunciation as 'death' in Mandarin).

Life's like that, mine not excluding. But maybe mine doesn't stink as much as some others do, but in a way it is crappy to me. Maybe I'm just too cynical towards the rest of the world around me, or maybe I'm just too bored. Or maybe both.

My social life is like that (I enjoyed my time with my close buddies, but I have problems dealing with strangers).

My health is like that (couple of years of abusing my health really show).

My classes are like that (perhaps just me, but it seems that my juniors are not getting any better).

My apartment unit is like that (apart from those 2 monkeys from Africa who made loads of noise EVERY FREAKING TIME, there's the lift which kept breaking down, water leaking and stuck toilet...).

My internet connection is like that (half the reason why I'm kinda lazy to update the blog nowadays).

My mood is like that (and this, honestly, I don't know exactly why, or perhaps too many reasons why).


Good thing I still have a few things to keep my sanity in check. Like my DS, my phone and my PC. If not for those, I'd be doing something really mean.

Ah hell.

As I write this, I'm attempting to charge up the battery on the made-in-China LED torchlight my father just bought for me. Though I don't really need the use of such a torch, but he insisted I bring it over to the apartment 'for emergency purposes'.

And the design is, as my post here best describe, crap. It was so poorly designed that it couldn't be mounted in a stable position while recharging from a socket. It kept falling off the convert-from-China-powerplug-to-universal-powerplug thing.

And just a moment ago I thought I might've just caused something in the torch to burn in the process, because I didn't notice the torch's switch was triggered to 'ON' when I placed the battery to charge.

Adding that and the loose mounting, and suddenly 'SNAP', the lights just went on and off. Thought I smell something stinging too. And now I think the torch is dead. Can't get the lights to work even if I switch on.

Opened up inside to investigate. Can't see anything that's wrong, nor anything black from burning. In fact, the design of the whole thing was so simple that I begin to doubt whether it's worth the money spent on it. A bulk rechargable battery connecting to a simple switch connecting to a circuit board with 3 LEDs and 3 resistors. Looks too simple that I begin to doubt the safety in the design.

Still not working. There goes RM 15.90. What a piece of crap. Well, better that thing dead than ME being dead. I don't want my father to blame himself for buying me that crap hazard he thought he got as a good bargain.

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